
INTRODUCTION: Acute poisoning are a frequent cause of recurring to emergency departments. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to characterize poisoning in one emergency department. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We made a retrospective study of the admissions to the emergency department of Famalicão and Santo Tirso´s units of Centro Hospitalar do Médio Ave in Portugal for 6 months. RESULTS: The 125 selected patients, 63 men and 62 women, had a mean age of 46.7 years. The intoxication was voluntary in 99 patients (79.2%) and accidental in 26 patients (20.8%). Ethanol, benzodiazepines and antipsychotics were the three most frequent toxic groups. There was contact with more than one type of toxic in 32 cases (25.6%). On average, patients remained at 9h10min in emergency department. There were no complications in 108 patients. The most common destinations were the family doctor and the assessment by psychiatry. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: This study allowed us to know the reality of this emergency service, which will facilitate the approach of acute poisoning. For more information about the poisonings in Portugal, should be performed prospective multicenter studies in order to understand consumption patterns, to know the more often involved substances and the associated complications, and prepare preventive action plans in the community.

© 2018 Galicia Clínica.

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